The New Sylva
A Discourse of Forest and Orchard Trees for the Twenty-First Century
In 1664, the horticulturist and diarist John Evelyn wrote Sylva, the first comprehensive study of British trees. It was the world’s earliest forestry book, and the first published by the Royal Society. In 2014, author Gabriel Hemery and artist Sarah Simblet, taking their inspiration from the original, masterfully created a contemporary version – The New Sylva. Four hundred pages in length and featuring more than a hundred UK tree species, the book contains over 200 pen-and-ink drawings of British trees by Sarah Simblet. A detailed and sumptuous celebration of the UK’s trees and forests, our design utilises an interplay of black and red typography on off-white paper with binding reflecting the craft of traditional bookmaking.
WINNER, Books, Premier Award, ISTD Typographic Awards 2014
WINNER, Trade Illustrated, British Book Design & Production Awards 2014
Client: Bloomsbury Publishing
Authors: Gabriel Hemery, Sarah Simblet
Format: Hardback quarterbound PLC
Extent: 400 pp
Size: 290 x 245 mm
Illustrations: 215

‘A book that proclaims its virtues with quiet dignity.’
Sunday Times

Sunday Telegraph

The Lady

‘A delight on every page’
Gardening Books of the Year, Evening Standard